Craps is a casino game of chance, where the outcome ultimately depends on luck. But you can increase your chances of success by betting wisely.
Craps betting mainly involves pass line and don’t pass line bets. On a pass line, they win if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, while if they roll two or three then the don’t pass line loses.
Pass line bet
The Pass line is the most sought-after bet at a craps table. This self-service bet allows players to place their chips whenever they please.
The rules of the Pass line are straightforward. The shooter throws two dice, and the total of those numbers determines your winnings.
A 7 or 11 wins the bet, while any number between 2, 3, or 12 loses it.
This bet must meet the table minimum and may go up to the table maximum.
Once a point has been established on the come out roll, there can be no turning back, taking down or reduction. This is because when the shooter rolls a 7, it shifts the point number in favor of the house and must remain in play until an outcome is decided.
Don’t pass bet
The don’t pass bet is a no-contract wager that pays even money on the initial roll and true odds (not commission) if the point number is rolled before a 7. This option is popular among players looking to take on the house.
In addition to the original don’t pass bet, players can lay odds by placing chips behind the don’t pass line. These odds are paid out at true odds of 1-to-2 if 4 or 10 is the point, 2-to-3 if 5 or 9 is the point and 5-to-6 if 6 or 8 is the point.
This bet is not as common as the pass line bet, but it’s worth considering if you want to place a prop bet in craps. With no house edge and high potential payouts, odds bets can be one of the most profitable wagers available in this exciting game.
Come bet
Craps is a beloved game played at casinos around the globe. With its wide array of bets, it offers players an exciting chance to win some extra cash.
The two most common bets for players are Pass line and Don’t Pass. But there are other wagering options as well; one popular option is called a come bet, which works similarly to a pass line wager but can only be placed after the point has been established.
The come bet pays even money if the shooter rolls either seven or eleven, but loses if craps 2, 3 or 12 is rolled. This bet is considered a contract and cannot be altered, removed or reduced until it wins or loses.
Odds bets
Odds bets are a popular option in craps. They can be placed before the shooter starts rolling or during a roll.
Odds are indicated with either a plus or minus sign. They usually consist of three digits and can be displayed in decimal or fractional form.
The lower of two odds numbers indicates the favorite. Conversely, a higher odds number would signify an underdog.
An odds bet is a straightforward wager that requires minimal thought. It’s an ideal starting point if you’re new to the game.
Side bets
Side bets are optional wagers that can be placed when you feel the urge to gamble a bit more. They are evaluated separately from the main game and do not impact your chances of success in any way.
One popular side bet is the perfect pairs bet. This pays out when your first two cards come as a pair (two cards of identical rank or value).
The payouts for mixed pairs and colored pairs vary based on their suit. Mixed pairs typically pay out 5:1, while coloured pairs pay out 10:1.
Another popular side bet is the 21+3, also known as poker hands or rummy. This bet pays out when you combine your two initial cards and the dealer’s first upcard to form a three-card poker hand.